Cranial Helmet

We Are The Premier Provider For Cranial Helmet Therapy In Miami Dade County

Experience the Comfort and Convenience of a Custom-Fit Cranial Helmet

Our team of orthotic and prosthetic specialists provides patients with the highest quality services at Pro Care Orthopedics. Cranial helmets are one of our most popular services. Cranial helmets, also known as plagiocephaly helmets, are specialized helmets designed to shape and mold an infant’s skull. Plagiocephaly is a condition that causes an asymmetrical head shape. When an infant prefers to sleep on one side of their head or if they have a congenital abnormality, plagiocephaly may occur. An effective solution to this problem is the use of cranial helmets.

When you choose us, you can expect:

Custom Orthopedic Products

You can recover quickly and comfortably with our custom-made orthopedic products. We know that everyone is different, and that's why we take the time to make products that fit you perfectly.

Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Together, we can create a treatment plan that precisely fits your needs. We want you to have a smooth recovery and return to your normal routine as soon as possible.

Friendly & Knowledgeable Staff

Our staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and always happy to help you. We're here to support you through your recovery, and to answer any questions you may have.

Expert Orthotic Care for Your Child

The orthotists and prosthetists on our team in Miami Dade County are highly trained and experienced in the use of cranial helmets. To ensure that your child receives the best care possible, we will work closely with you and your child’s physician. Choosing to have your child wear a helmet can seem overwhelming at first, but rest assured that our team will be there every step of the way to support you.

Your child will receive the highest quality care at our facility, and we look forward to helping him or her achieve a healthier and more symmetrical head shape. To learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation, give us a call!

ProCare Orthopedics